Saturday, 12 May 2012

CYDA Challenge #45 and some sad news....

Hello everyone, well it's been sometime now since I last posted on my blog, totally blown my new year resolution to be more active on  But sadly it's just not happening, virtually zero mojo for any cardmaking unfortunately.  So after much contemplating and with a heavy heart I have decided that after virtually 8 years of cardmaking it is no longer for me.  I'm going to be having a massive clear out over the next few weeks and selling a majority of my crafting stash on either ebay or facebook, not decided yet, but I will add links to my blog as they come up for sale, it's going to be a lot of stuff thats for sure, but it's all just sitting there gathering dust which is such a shame.  But on a happier note you've not seen the last of me.  I have been turning my hand to some other crafting activities which seem to be fitting in with my time much easier and I would like to develop further these include jewellery making and fascinators.  So I will be creating a brand new blog soon to showcase my makes with a few other crafts thrown in, you never know there maybe the odd card thrown in now and again if the mojo lets me.  I will also continue running the Craft Your Days Away challenge blog, I may not be joining in with the cardmaking anymore but I hope to put pieces in as and when able that involve other crafts.

Which brings me on to say that Challenge #45 over at CYDA kicks off today with a fabulous theme chosen by our Lisa...


So we do hope everyone will still continue to join us for some challenge fun.

Believe me I am sad that my cardmaking has come to the end of the road, and it's not something I ever thought would happen, and it honestly wasn't an easy decison to make.  I started with an underbed plastic box of stash now I have a full room with cupboards stuffed full, it has been an enjoyable journey that has sadly run it's course.  A massive thank you to everyone who has supported me on my cardmaking journey, I have made some fabulous friends on my blog, forums and luckily enough to have met a few in person, but as I said this isn't good-bye just the start of new things and I hope many of my friends will follow my new crafting interests when my new blog launches, and I wont be deleting this one either it will be here as a reminder of my progression through making cards, and maybe help give inspiration to some others if they happen to fall upon this blog.

Loves you all my crafting buddies

Lots of Hugs

Joanne xxxx


Ruthie said...

Aw Joanne - that is such a shame - but I completely get where you are coming from...and am so glad you are going to continue crafting.

You were one of the first people I "met" in blogland and you gave me such a warm welcome. Your cards have been an ongoing source of inspiration to me.



Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Oh hunnie, I am gonna miss hopping by your blog & seeing your fab cards, but I will be stalking you in your new venture
good luck hun
huge hugs xxx

Doreen said...

Oh Joanne that is so sad,onwards and upwards as they say.I am so glad we will still see you around and you are still running CYDA,you have been an inspiration to me and no doubt many other

Hazel (Didos) said...

Ah Jo, Sorry you are giving up the crafting, Know where you are coming from though with other life things happening I don't get the time I used to either.

Will be keeping an eye out for your other bits and bobs,

Love Hxxx

jackiescrafts said...

This is such a shame joanne but I do understand as I'm finding I'm doing more other crafts than I am card making just now although I am still making cards to sell for church funds too
I look forward to seeing where your new venture takes you

Hugs Jacckie x

shaz earl said...

Aw Joanne this is such sad news as your cards are just gorgeous, it has been a pleasure working with you on several DTs in the past and i wish you every success with your new ventures good luck hunnie
Shaz xx

Lesley said...

Hi Joanne. Sorry to hear you are giving up cardmaking, but I do understand how you feel completely. I struggle to make cards these days unless I actually need one to send to someone and am now spending most of my crafty time scrapbooking and journalling. I too have been selling off a lot of my stash. Good luck with your new crafty ventures and I'm looking forward to seeing your new blog and what you have been up to! xxx

Lorraine A said...

Oh my goodness ,, I was just thinking that I hadn't popped by for ages and was just here to see what you were up to !
I am so sorry your mojo has gone walkabout :-(

wishing you all the best and hope you keep in touch :-)
Lols x x x

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