Monday, 23 February 2009

Golden Wedding Bookatrix

It's been a long, long time since I've done a bookatrix, and I thought this was the perfect occassion to dust off my keepsake board. This is for an order from my mum for her SIL's golden wedding anniversary.

The wording was done on the PC and printed onto the white/gold shimmer card before embossing the bookatrix page. Added gold looped braid around the edges, and larger looped braid down the centre, then made up small flower arrangements, all from my local haberdashery store. I've used a heart shaped keyring and put inside it a photo of the couple and a heart charm, it is hanging from beaded wire with gold jump rings and another chain of jump rings hangs lower with the wedding date tag attached to the end. Below are some close-ups of the flowers and beaded wire:

I've also made a matching box for it.

We had to go to MIL's today as her washing machine had flooded her new kitchen, what a nightmare. She had a new kitchen put in because of a flood from the bathroom, hopefully once everything has dried out there will be no lasting damage. She couldn't turn it off and it just kept pumping water out. The washing machine was the only appliance she didn't replace with the kitchen, because she said it's the most realiable one she has ever had, even though it was nearly 15 years old, so was only a matter of time really. I think it's had it's life now, so time for a new one, we'll be taking her shopping for one at the weekend.

Hope you've all had a good day xxx


sandra's crafty corner said...

wow love the bookatrix, its gorgeous,
sandra xxx

Tasha said...

wow this is amazing - its such a beautiful keepsake
love tasha xx

Unknown said...

That's just stunning, really beautiful work

Jan x

Anne said...

gorgeous card Joanne. You've did a lovely job of the flowers too. It'll be treasured I'm sure

neverenoughrubberstamps said...

WOW! I've never heard of a bookatrix before. However......WOW!

First Class all the way!

I wish you lived close by, so you could teach me how to do that.
Just Beautiful Joanne!

You Go Girl!



Moni said...

It is fab! Love the details, you did great job! Hugs, Moni

Anonymous said...

WOW, WOW, WOW,WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, get my drift....LOL..
Love the boards to work on they are all great..
Hugs Angel

cornishmist - thats me ju x said...

Hi Joanne, love the boxed card, like you it has been a while since I used my board you give us such inspiration well done you your mum should love it ju x
p.s. got my dandilion stamps today from the range lol have you got yours yet?

Wellnifty said...

Gorgeous, perfect for a golden wedding card, something on my blog for you

Chris x

Lorraine A said...

This is beautiful, I ve never seen anything like this before ! Will have to go and google this bookatrix !
Perfect gift for a 50th Wedding Anniversary :-)

Louise Emma said...

One word..... stunning x

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