How naughty am I? I've not posted for just over a week. Well things have been a bit on the hectic side and all my planned crafting time was put on hold. We've been busy sorting Steve's mum's house, she'd been staying with us for 2 weeks whilst she had a new kitchen put in, which involved a lot of knocking down and plastering. So not only was the kitchen a state, so was the whole house with dust. So last weekend and beginning of this week was spent on cleaning the house from top to bottom then sorting out the kitchen, with filling the cupboards, tiling, wallpapering and painting. We'll be finishing off the decorating as much as we can this weekend.
Then Wednesday I had the whole day to myself and planned on making cards all day, even went shopping at Tesco's at 7 o'clock in the morning, so that the day wasn't disrupted, then as I left Tesco's I noticed I had 3 missed calls from Steve, I instantly had a bad feeling in my stomache as I knew he'd not of been at work yet. And that bad feeling I was getting was right, when I got hold of Steve, he'd said he'd been in an accident near Manchester on the M62. All the traffic had to brake hard for an accident just ahead, Steve managed to stop in time but the van, two cars and two lorries behind him didn't. Thankfully Steve was unhurt but obviously shaken, and thankfully no one else was too badly hurt. Steve appeared to be more annoyed about his car, as it's only 3 months old from new, but cars can be replaced, our loved ones can't. He's been at home with me and will go back to work on Monday. His insurance company has given him a hire car and his poor car is at a Citreon clinic in Leeds, so we are awaiting for the damage report.
Though I lost Wednesday's planned craft time, I did manage to do some yesterday and I'll get them on here very soon.
So, sorry I've not been about, but as you can see it's not been such a good week.