Not been about much the past few days or had anytime to do much in the way of crafting. Finally managed to drag Steve around the shops to look for a new three piece suite on Saturday, it's only taken 2 years since we first decided to start looking. Anyway finally ordered one well it's a 6 seat corner sofa and a chair, now we have to wait 12-14 weeks for it too arrive, so fingers crossed it'll be intime for christmas. The few days previous to that I spent at my mother-in-laws as she had a leak of water coming through her kitchen ceiling, half of the cupboards have been ruined as well as the carpet, ceiling and tiling on wall, so we've managed to persuade her to get a new kitchen fitted, long over due as the cupboards are 53 years, so thats where I'ver been.
Today was the MAX Papercraft Show in Hull, and it was great fun and a chance to meet up with some friend's. Was pretty busy so it was quite a bustle getting round though it seemed to thin out after lunchtime a little bit. Spent a small fortune, especially on some Nestabilities, which I really wanted, there was a good offer on for 4 sets, so was too good to miss (well thats my exscuse), came home with bags full of goodies. We all went saying that we didn't really need anything, but us crafters just can't help ourselves in a haven of craft goodies, can we????

I hope everyone's been ok with all this rain we've been having over the past few days, and sadly there has been some dreadful flooding again around the country, if you are one of those affected, my thoughts are with you, as are my thoughts with the families and friends of those who have sadly lost their lives over the past few days as a consequence of the rain. The floods of last year are still fresh in my mind, though not affected directly we did have family who were and they lost just about everything and they lived with us for about 3 months until they could be re-housed. Keep safe everyone xx