I've been tagged by Joey (Joey's Stuff), thank you Joey xx Ohhh and I've been tagged again by Sue (ScoopysStuff), thank you Sue xx
Well it's the first time I ever had one of these or even seen one of these before, but it sounds like fun.
With this tag I have to give 7 interesting facts about me (not sure they'll be interesting..lol) and pass the tag on to 7 more people, so here it goes:
1. My middle name is Christine.
2. I have a BSc (hons) degree in Psychology, graduated in 2002.
3. My favourite colours are lilacs and purples.
4. My dream is to own my own craft shop, big enough to have room for classes and groups. (awaiting a lottery win for this dream to become reality, so I think it'll stay a dream)
5. I love Black Pudding and always trying new recipes with it.
6. I dislike flying, though I do fly if I really have to, but managed to avoid it now for the past 5 years.
7. My favourite place abroad is Nice in the South of France (when we travel there by train...lol)
Well thats my 7 not so very interesting facts about me. Here's my 7 to tag:
Sarah's Blog - Sarah's Blog
Carlz Blog - Carlz Cardz
Kath's Blog - Kathleen's
Bev's Blog - Bev's Crafty Bits 'N' More
Hev's Blog - Vanilla Hev'n
Val's Blog - The Crafting Pad
Gina's Blog - The Card Kabin
For those of you I've just tagged, hopefully now you've seen this, you'll see what I was actually tagging you with and not going completely mad. Just copy the picture on to your blog, write 7 interesting facts about you and pass it on to 7 more people.

Ops sorry Joanne
i didnt know Joey had tagged you, ive just tagged you to!! lol. sue.xx
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