Sunday, 23 November 2008

Ohhh My First Blog Award

Thank you to Hazel for this lovely award, I'm very touched as this is my first blog award. Please hop over to Hazel's blog, Dido's Designs and take a look at her wonderful inspiring cards.

This award states that:
This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY- nearness in space, time and relationships.These blogs are exceedingly charming.These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends,They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement.Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated,Please give more attention to these writers.

The award also states that I have to award it to 8 more blogs. I know this award has been recieved by many of the blogs I like to follow, so forgive me if you have already recieved this award, but I thought you deserved another and if I could, I'd give all the blogs I follow this award. Here are the 8 blogs I'd like to give this award to:

Louise's Blog - The Lou-natic Asylum - Louise has some stunning cards and ATC's on her fab blog, she's had a bit of a hard time lately, but Lou just keeps smiling like the trooper she is. I hope this award brings a smile too, Louise, it's well deserved.

Helen's Blog - Cards by Helen - Helen has some wonderful cards and her blog is full of inspiration, if you don't believe me go and hop over and take a look.

Mel's Blog - The Creative World of Melly Moo - More beautiful cards to be seen, loads of cutie one's. So please go take a peek your guaranteed to go awwwww.

Poppet's Blog - Poppet's Place - Poppet's cards are stunning and is another blog for all you cutie image fans who need some more awwww's. A fabulous blog, which I'm sure you'll want to visit again and again.

Dawn's Blog - All Pink Girl - Gorgeous cards and oozing inspiration from Dawn's blog, hop along and see for youself.

Chris's Blog - A Wellnifty Place - Stunning cards to be seen from Chris, especially the art deco one's of late. Please hop over for a look.

Poppy's Blog - Poppy's Place - Well I know Poppy does have this award already, but another is well deserved, her cards are beautiful and her blog is fab, go on take a look.

Sue's Blog - Hammersue's Blog - Not only does Sue do some fab cards and other papercrafts, but she also makes some stunning jewellery. She's just acquired a craft robo, so can't wait to see what she'll come up with that piece of equipment. But don't wait for that, go take a peek now.

As I said before if I could I'd give this award to all the blogs I follow.
Well done to all above, a well deserved award.


Pop's Cards said...

thank you so much for thinking of me i am so touched, hugs pops x x x

Poppy said...

Thank you Joanne,I am very flattered, I think its lovely to take part it these awards.

Hammersue said...

oh wow jo thanks so much for choosing me for an award. My very first one as well. and all the lovely comments you add too. great to have a friend like you. hugs xx

Louise Emma said...

Awww thanks Jo, you are right it did leave a smile on my face hun, so thank you xx All in all, I have had a lovely Sunday x

Mel said...

Hi Jo, Thank you so much for giving me this award, you've made my day :0) Mel x

Helen J said...

Aww, thanks hun! That's very sweet of you :) My first award too, and I'm chuffed to bits xxx

Joey said...

Hi Joanne, I have been tagged and I am passing it onto you.x

Wellnifty said...

Wow, thanks Joanne, I've been so busy lately haven't had a chance to do much blogging, and I've just noticed you gave it to me. Thanks for leaving all the comments on my blog too.
Should have some time over the weekend to catch up..

Chris x

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